Smoke cleansing

Light one end of white sage, sweetgrass or palo santo and blow out flame. 
Pass smoke over item, person or around room, while setting your intention, silently or aloud.
Example: “Into the smoke I release all energies that do not serve me, all negativity that surrounds me, & all fears that limit me.” 

It will cleanse a space, a person’s aura and can also be used as incense during meditation.
***Do not leave unattended and extinguish in a fireproof container.***

white sage

• Native to Southwestern United States 
and Northwestern Mexico
• Important medicinal and spiritual
for many Indigenous peoples
• Purifies body, mind, objects, and spaces
• Dispels anger, stress, and negativity
•  Clears and balances energy

Element: Air
Chakra: All 


• Attracts good spirits and 
positive energies
• Purifies auras and
cleanses objects
• Use for calling spirits
• Clears ceremonial space
• Promotes kind thoughts

Element: Water
Chakra: Crown

palo santo

• Sacred tree native to the Andes
• Branches and twigs are harvested 3-5 years after they have fallen 
• Related to Frankincense and Myrrh
• Clears negative energies
• Promotes positivity and joy
• Creates a deep connection to the divine
• Facilitates meditation

Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius
Element: Air
Chakra: All